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About Us

Who We Are

Turwel Headquarters

Turwel is a consulting company founded by a group of entrepreneurs who have experience in the tourism and health sectors and are committed to the satisfaction of their clients. Our goal is to meet all the needs of our guests who come to Turkey to receive medical services and to ensure that they receive a comfortable and reliable service and have a good time during their stay in our country.


Our company, working with the best doctors and healthcare organizations in Turkey, has become a fast and reliable partner in terms of doctors and healthcare facilities, providing an excellent quality of service to its guests with its technology and solution-oriented working model.


Knowing that guest satisfaction depends on good planning and knowledgeable staff, we place the utmost importance on the quality of the people we work with. Not only do we meet the high standards required by the industry, but we also provide our guests with a personalized travel experience.

We provide the best healthcare service in Europe

Turwel doctors
Turwel medical team members
Turwel surgeons
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